Dear Courageous Woman…

Dear courageous woman,

I see you.

You who are the dreamer, lover, nurturer, sister, mother, wife, friend.

You who long to play and be free and to remember the magic and wonder you once knew in another times forgotten place.

For the hidden goddess inside you, for the forgotten child you once were when your eyes looked through your mothers face.

I see you, dear courageous woman.

Dear woman who sometimes loses herself to the agendas of others.

Beautiful woman who feels a deeper nudge towards something greater but who doesn't quite know how to drop into what's next.

You who have recently ended a long-term relationship.

You who've been feeling confined by your long term marriage.

You who just moved into a new home, or a new city.

You who had to be strong, and brave, and courageous.

You who questioned yourself but did it anyway.

I see you.

You whose love is so strong and longs to gift your souls expression to the world.

You who are questioning your life direction and deeper purpose.

I see you.

You who long to know love, beauty, peace, prosperity, and joy. If only to live in the magic again,

It feels like a pulling on your heart. Like a balloon ready to pop.

I see you.

And something greater is calling you and you want to know what it is.

You can sense it and feel it, but you want to see it, to taste it.

Dear courageous woman, I have an invitation precisely for you.

Because you need a place to disconnect from the demands and chaos of your life so that you can be in the silence of your own soul and discern her wisdom

Because you need to be held by a container that can hold ALL of you, that can nurture you and call you deeper into yourself, beyond your distractions, beyond your defenses.

Because you want to be in the company of others who are in a similar place as you, so that you can be nourished by their stories, by their courage.

So that you know you are not doing this all alone.

I am with you.

This is your invitation.

The Soul Inspired Living Women’s Retreat 2023 is happening October 19th-22nd.

Registration opens this Friday August 18th.

If you're hearing the call of your soul through my words, then get on the VIP list NOW to be the first to know when registration opens and to receive special VIP perks.

Details available soon. 




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